USH 51 intersection in Rock county: DOT to install traffic control signals [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9150 (10d)] - AB133
Wisconsin Badger camp, incorporated, in Grant county: DOT to erect tourist-oriented directional signs along USH 18  - AB728
road _ railroad crossingRoad — Railroad crossing, see Railroad — Crossing
road _ trafficRoad — Traffic
Traffic flow impeded by motor vehicle in left-most lane of certain highways: prohibition created  - AB274
rock countyRock county
Assistant DA positions for certain counties -  AB615
Assistant DA positions for certain counties [Sec. 9101, 9201 (1), 9401] -  SB357
Circuit court branches increased in certain counties -  AB536
Medical condition and history of prisoners in jail or house of correction: Corr.Dept to develop standardized form, required for transfer of prisoners in certain counties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, requirements established, specific counties provision removed] -  AB795
Parole, probation and extended supervision effectiveness: Corr.Dept required to improve in certain counties [Sec. 268, 269, 9111] -  SB357
Southeast Wisconsin crime abatement task force created; report required; sunset provision -  AB562
STH addition: study re Tolles Road in Rock county [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 9150 (7g)] -  AB133
USH 51 intersection in Rock county: DOT to install traffic control signals [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9150 (10d)] - AB133
rogers, j. jeanRogers, J. Jean
Service to the state and the W-2 program commended -  AJR108
rose, bernice kRose, Bernice K.
Life and public service - SJR36
rosendale farm equipment, incRosendale Farm Equipment, Inc.
$49,776.35 construction costs claim -  SB484
rsvp _retired senior volunteer program_RSVP (Retired senior volunteer program), see Senior citizen
rural economic development boardRural economic development board
Rural economic development program loans in counties with low median household incomes [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2955m-r] -  AB133
rural planningRural planning
Critical access hospitals: DHFS to distribute supplements of MA moneys [Sec. 1382-1384] -  AB133
Critical access hospitals: DHFS to distribute supplements of MA moneys [Sec. 1382-1384] -  SB45
Dental services grant re fluoride treatments, clinical education and underserved areas [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2400h]  - AB133
Graduate medical education: JLC to study funding alternatives for health care providers serving MA recipients or certain areas of the state [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9131 (4c)] - AB133
Land use planning activities, transportation planning grants, traditional neighborhood developments, incorporation of state goals, smart growth dividend aids [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1b, 12m, n, 110m-w, 294m, 523m-p, 887m, 1582s-u, 1589s-v, 1606m, 2353m, n, 2355m, 2398c-g, w, x, 9101 (18zo), 9158 (8zo), 9358 (5zu), (5zv), 9401 (6zu), (6zv), 9458 (2zo); Conf.Amdt.1: model ordinances, comprehensive planning, conservation subdivisions, 285m, 509v-y, 9101 (19g), 9154 (5g), deletes 110t, u, 294m, 523m-p, 2398c, d, w, x, 9358 (5zu)] - AB133
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 202, 562, 2957-2964, 9210 (1)] -  AB133
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: funding from Indian gaming compact moneys [Sec. 202, 562, 2957-2964, 9210 (1)] -  SB45
rusk countyRusk county
Full-time DAs for Richland and Rusk counties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3207r, 9358 (5f)] -  AB133
s - S -
sage _student achievement guarantee_ contractsSAGE (student achievement guarantee) contracts, see School — State aid
st. croix countySt. Croix county
Conservation reserve enhancement program [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 183t, 1933g; Conf.Amdt.1: funding and program expanded, grassland habitat provision, prohibition re use of land for game bird, deer, animal or fur farm, 183tm, 637e, 1933gm, deletes 183t, 1933g] -  AB133
Farmland preservation pilot program created in the town of Troy; provision re purchase of development rights for farmland [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 184c, 1580p]  - AB133
St. Croix valley tourism alliance: grant from Indian gaming revenues [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9149 (3e)]  - AB133
st. croix falls, city ofSt. Croix Falls, City of, see Polk county
st. david_s daySt. David's day, see Holidays
st. piran_s daySt. Piran's day, see Holidays
Bread loaf sales: weight restrictions revised -  SB206
Human organ transplant prohibition re sale or purchase expanded; ``human body part" defined  - AB808
Ice cream and similar products for sale: container size restrictions revised -  SB205
Malt liquor in container over a quart: sale prohibited -  AB408
Musical recordings with explicit lyric warnings: sale or distribution to or purchase by person under age 18 prohibited; forfeiture, defense to prosecution and ordinance provisions  - SB167
Puppies and kittens: regulating the sale of -  AB856
SSN of customer: retailers prohibited from requesting -  AB287
Tip or gratuity re sale of tangible personal property: sales and use tax exemptions created -  AB572
Vehicles for sale on consignment: use of certain registration plates by dealer, distributor or manufacturer permitted  - SB81
sales taxSales tax
Automobile purchase with manufacturer's rebate: sales or use tax based on reduced price -  AB163
Bills to increase certain tax rates: approval by two-thirds vote in each house. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR28
Cigarette tax revisions re DOR refund to American Indian tribes and penalties for not paying use tax and lack of tax stamp - AB501
Conference committee report re AB-133: sales tax rebate plan substituted for tax refund plan - AJR78
Conservation fund: transferring amount from general fund based on sales and use tax -  SB244
County sales tax collections retained by the state: portion increased [Sec. 613, 1816, 1817, 9343 (16)]  - AB133
County sales tax collections retained by the state: portion increased [Sec. 613, 1816, 1817, 9343 (16)]  - SB45
Coupon or rebate from manufacturer: sales tax paid on reduced price -  AB90
Data lists used and sold for commercial purposes subject to sales tax; definition provided -  SB387
Exposition center district sales tax: percentage retained by DOR revised -  AB655
Manufacturer's rebate on tangible personal property: sales or use tax paid on reduced price -  AB619
Manufacturers' rebates and discounts: sales and use taxes revised -  AB1
Motor vehicle purchased to replace stolen vehicle: sales or use tax revised re insurance settlement  - SB266
Professional football stadium district created; sales and use tax, revenue bonds, transportation aids and LAB audit provisions [for further revisions, see entry under ``Green Bay Packers"] - AB892
Professional football stadium district created; sales and use tax, revenue bonds, transportation aids, income and franchise tax and LAB audit provisions -  AB730
Professional football stadium district created; sales and use tax, revenue bonds, transportation aids, income and franchise tax and LAB audit provisions -  SB384
Sales and use tax late filing fee increased [Sec. 1815, 9343 (8)]  - AB133
Sales and use tax late filing fee increased [Sec. 1815, 9343 (8)]  - SB45
Sales and use tax rates reduced; DOR duty specified -  AB441
Sales and use taxes and individual income taxes authorized and property tax levy limited for cities, villages, towns and counties: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR109
Sales tax rebate for individuals on onetime basis exempt from income tax -  AB637
Sales tax rebate for individuals on onetime basis exempt from income tax -  SB276
Sales tax rebate for individuals on onetime basis exempt from income tax -  OC9 AB2
Sales tax rebate for individuals on onetime basis provisions re nonresident with resident spouse, consideration of state or federal monetary assistance and medical assistance; referred to as onetime rebate of nonbusiness consumer sales tax  - OC9 AB3